Keller Williams Realty - Nikolas Duran
Nikolas Duran
Keller Williams Realty
Corona, CA
Licenca #:02133005 -CA / REALTOR®uNiko Duran Homes
Svaka kancelarija Keller Williams® je u nezavisnom vlasništvu i upravljanju
Moji detalji
JEZICI English
MARKET CENTAR Keller Williams Realty

O meni

Southern California's newest addition to the real estate industry! Excited and eager real estate agent ready to serve and move mountains for clients. I may be new to the industry, but I'm not new to helping those in need! I grew up here in Southern California I've lived and grown in cities like Corona, Irvine, Tustin, and San Diego! Experienced life across 3 different counties. I've gotten to know hot spots, great foods, and experiences! Now for the next chapter, I've joined up with the #1 brokerage in the Inland Empire, Keller Williams! Within that brokerage I've partnered with Julia Calderon and The Calderon Group. In order to guarantee the best possible service you have to be surrounded with those who are already delivering just that! I guarantee an attentive, positive, and energetic service to all my clients. So If you're in the market to sell or buy a home in Southern California feel to reach out anytime, it'd be a pleasure to take your call!

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Nikolas Duran
Licenca #: 02133005
Niko Duran Homes

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Keller Williams Realty
4160 Temescal Canyon Road, Suite 500 Corona, CA 92883

Nikolas Duran
REALTOR® 02133005
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